my new friend, Scarlett / by kelly witmer


After buying Scarlett along with two other chickens 2nd hand off of craigslist several years ago, I think she's FINALLY warming up to me. I've managed to pick her up a few times this week, and she actually relaxed a bit and seemed to enjoy being petted. She used to have another black Australorp sidekick named Butterfly McChicken, after Butterfly McQueen who played Prissy in Gone With the Wind. They came with Butters, featured below. They were all pretty pecked up from an over-crowded situation, but managed to reinvent themselves in my coop. 

I think the reason is that she's excited over the fact that there are two young male chickens in the coop. I, on the other hand, am extremely ticked off that two of the 5 birds sold to me as hens have ended up cockerels, after I raised them in boxes in my dining room for two months. 

